First of all, this is one of my all-time favorite Christmas songs. If you really think about the words and put yourself in the context of the song, it kinda sends chills up your spine. I wish so badly sometimes that I could live back in biblical times to be around for the birth of Jesus (or anytime around Jesus). I suggest googling the lyrics:-)
Secondly, "Do You See What I See?" has been our theme at Cornerstone for the past few monthes. It's all about making God's dream your vision. It's really crazy to think about how the world could be such a different place if everyone made God's vison our priority and died to our selfish hearts and lives. The advent booklet that the church puts out for Christmas has daily examples of real God-given dreams that people in our church have; and it has been so inspiring to read these. They include everything from starting ministries, mission trips, raising Godly families, outreaches, businesses, adoption, etc. But I also know that you can't just pray one time and expect an overnight vision statement from God for your life (usually:-)). This journey of faith isn't a one stop shop- It's a
continuous and never ending process. Adapting this from Pastor Wayne, there are 4 different types of people and how we look at our relationship from God:
1. Exploring Jesus- This person believes in God, but is not sure about Jesus. Faith is not a significant part of their life.
2. Growing in Jesus- This person believs in Jesus and is working on what it means to get to know him.
3. Close to Jesus- This person feels really close to Jesus and depends on Him for daily guidance.
4. Jesus-Centered- This person believes that God is all they need in their life. Everything they do is a reflection of Jesus.
As for Adam and I, I want us to be Jesus-Centered. I want everything that we do on this earth to be for the purpose of God. As for my vision, I see myself working with young girls and healthcare. Adam wants to continue leading the youth group according to God's plans, not his. Together, we have the vision to hopefully adopt a child one day. My dream for anyone reading this is that they would continue to strive to be Jesus-centered and ask God for His vision for their life....It will totally rearrange the way you think.