Monday, April 26, 2010


So I think I owe a little apology to all my faithful blog followers out there. Apparently I was being slightly dramatical with my last blog post and worried all my loving family and friends into a frenzy. Adam kindly pointed out that maybe my journal would be the best place to write those crazy thoughts down. And I think I have to agree with him. We had a really great weekend in Cleveland with some of the Juniors/Seniors from church and on Saturday we went up to the Ocoee River for some much needed quiet time. It was absolutely beautiful sitting on the porch in the rocking chairs watching the rain fall into the river. While I didn't get a clear direct answer about the things I was/am struggling with, it felt wonderful getting away from everything for a little while. So I'm really sorry for being so distraught with the last post but I'm so thankful for great friends and family who love me no matter what:-)


The Life of Rookie Parents said...

that"s what blogs r 4!

Knox McCoy said...

Don't apologize! It was refreshing and reassuring to know that other people go through crappy weeks.

Collin said...

Knox is absolutely right! It was nice to hear that, especially the part about going into detail about how you're doing with strangers! So no apologies necessary!

See, you probably didn't even think that I read your blog! :)